Foosball Blog News


As you play more, you get better, and will seek new ways to improve your game. The world’s best players have come up with their own improvisational solutions for some common performance issues, in the offline foosball game. Grip is key and sweaty palms defeat coordination and skill, some players have found that:

  • Improve Grip: Nervousness = Sweat = Losing Scores. How do you avoid sweaty palms? Soft leather golf gloves help with grip, or some try: tennis racket rubber grips, cricket handle grips, balloons! Or even laytex condoms! Don’t want to DIY your equipment? Several companies produce products to combat slippery rods and palms. Many players wrap their hands, or the rods, with specially designed absorbent, tacky tape, available from most foosball accessory suppliers or sporting goods stores.
  • Training Tricks: The world’s best foosers practice everyday, for many hours. However, even the best are sometimes unable to find an adequate opponent to keep up with their need to practice. A Rod-Lock lets you make several bars stationary, during game play. With a Rod-Lock positioned, you can practice, independently, on tricky passing shots and to improve stylistic moves. The trick to winning the game is how you control your passes and shots to greater and greater consistency, so when training , many players set themselves personal targets of so many successful passes or shots in a row. It is harder to practice defense on your own, but as a DIY trick, just cut pieces of wood to hit the ball and catch the rebound. Some players use a device called the ‘Powerball’ to increase wrist strength.
  • Beware of Injury: Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) are common among regular players and strains or arthritis in shoulders and elbows. The injuries build up over time and players should observe any changes, resting from play if there are signs of these physical stresses.
  • Drinking Games: Some foosers report that they have imposed the “under the table” rule in certain circumstances (e.g. whitewash) during fun games. That means, the loser fooser or rule breaker is made to crawl under the table, where he takes a sip of a pint. Some venues even keep the area under the tables particularly nasty for this treatment, according to fooser lore. Cheers!

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